ANPR - automatic license plate recognition system
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Automatic number plate recognition system

ANPR - automatic license plate recognition software for Hotels, housing associations, parkings, industrial and logistics areas. Works with these countries license plates: Albania (AL); Algeria (DZ); Argentina (AR); Australia (AU); Austria (AT); Azerbaijan (AZ); Bahrain (BH); Belarus(BY); Belgium (BE); Bosnia Herzegovina (BA); Bolivia (BO); Botswana (BW); Brasil (BR); Brunei (BN); Bulgaria (BG); Canada (CA); Cambodia (CH); Cameroon (CM); Cape Verde (CV); Colombia (CO); Congo (CG); Costa Rica (CR); Croatia (HR); Chile (CL); China (CN); Cuba (CU); Cyprus(CY); Czech Republic (CZ); Danmark (DK); East Timor (TL); Ecuador (EC); El Salvador (SV); Egypt (EG); Estonia (EE); Finland (FI); France (FR); Germany (DE); Georgia (GE); Greece (GR); Ghana (GH); Guernsey (GG); Guatemala (GT); Hong Kong (HK); Honduras (HN); Hungary (HU); Iceland (IS); India (IN); Indonesia (ID); Iran (IR); Iraq (IQ); Ireland (IE); Isle Of Man (IM); Israel (IL); Italia (IT); Jersey (JE); Jordan (JO); Kazakhstan (KZ); Kenya (KE); Kyrgyzstan (KG); Kosovo (XK); Kuwait (KW); Latvia (LV); Lebanon (LB); Lithuania (LT); Luxemburg (LU); Macedonia (MK); Malaysia (MY); Malta (MT); Malaysia (MY); Mexico (MX); Morocco (MA); Montenegro (ME); Moldova (MD); Monaco (MC); Myanmar (MM); Namibia (NA); New Zeland (NZ); New Caledonia (NC); Nitherlands (NL); Nigera (NG); Norway (NO); North Korea (KP); Paraguay (PY); Palestinian NA (PA); Pakistan (PK); Peru (PE); Poland (PL); Portugal (PT); Philippines (PH); Puerto Rico (PR); Qatar (QA); Romania (RO); Russia (RU); Saudi Arabia (SA); Serbia (RS); Singapore (SG); Slovakia (SK); Slovenia (SL); South Africa (SA); South Africa (ZA); South Africa (C2); South Korea (KR); Sri Lanka (LK); Spain (ES); Sweden (SE); Switzerland (CH); Taiwan (TW); Tanzania (TZ); Tajikistan (TJ); Tunisia (TN); Turkey (TR); Turkmenistan (TM); Thailand (TH); Uruguay (UY); Ukraine (UA); United Kingdom (GB); United States (US); Uzbekistan (UZ); Venezuela (VE); Vietnam (VN).

Our system is designed to work in all weather conditions, no matter to what angle drove the car, adequacy or very good lighting. If a person through the camera can recognize the car's number - this will make and our system. In video films have tried to show how looks car license plate recognition process and show numbers recognition quality using ANPR our software solutions.

The system has the following possibilities: user management, parking management, reports, allowed - blacklisted lists, display number recognition results in LED and etc. Use of other solutions - gate opening remote control or a mobile phone certainly is cheap and practical, but when talking on the phone pushing arriving to the barrier, safety, control and accounting - should choose different technologies. You should only decide whether you want to go to the next level of the transport service, and we will install in the ANPR. If You have any questions - we will always answer them. If you want to have more options - will supplement. Would you like to test first - install the trial version. If there will be other request - please contact us.

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